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shark About Games Sprint 1 Verify w/JS

Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace

Basic commands

VSC Gitlens

- git log: see commit history
- git staus: see changes in wd
- git commit -m "commit comment": commit changes with a message

Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace

Github student_2025 repo

- git push origin [branch name (ex. main)]

Github pages actions

Hacks tools and equipment play

Grid hack: picture of cat grid on and code used:
og grid head code body code

Emoji hack

Tools hacks:

  • Version Control
    • How are the files from GitHub placed on your local machine? How do you navigate to those files?
      • Clone the files with git clone command. Navigate by using the cd command (change directory). ls lists all the files under the current cd which can help find the file.
    • How are the files updated in GitHub? How do you navigate to those files?
      • After saving changes locally, stage the changes, add a message, then commit and push it through on vsc to Github. These changes can be seen under actions tab of github
    • How would you update your template of the portfolio_2025 repository? How would you make it more applicable to your specific course?
      • Change page, about me, add blog posts, change the theme. I also changed the favicon for fun
  • Localhost vs. Deployed Server
    • Put into words the difference between viewing GitHub Pages running on your localhost machine versus running on a deployed server.
      • Local changes are only visible to me when the page is refreshed from the make command since the changes are on my personal computer. Deployed changes are on the internet so public can view and more permanent compared to local.
    • What is the localhost URL for your project? Can anyone else see what you see?
      • created when make in terminal, nobody else can see
    • What is the GitHub Pages URL for your project? Can anyone else see what you see?
      • Linked in my github portfolio, anyone can see
  • DNS and GitHub Pages
    • Is there a domain on your GitHub Pages?
      • yes, linked to my github portfolio
    • Is the URL for your GitHub Pages different from your neighbors’ URLs? Did you change the URL? If so, when?
      • Yes it is different with my github username and repo name

Hacks github pages playground

Princess page
  • for this project, I worked on the Mulan page
  • Utterance link


    Submenu code:
    code for submenu

    Hacks SASS basics

  • made cosmetic changes to site (color of background, buttons, text, theme)

  • hacks Frontend

    First page link
  • Frontend hack and snake game both under first page
  • code:

    code for first page

    Sprint 1 Key Objectives

    Rank to Ratio, rank is an integer
    0 = .00 work, but faking understanding/accomplishment
    1 = .55 incomplete assignment, big gaps
    2 = .75 meeting some objectives, multiple little gaps
    3 = .85 meeting most objectives, one little gap
    4 = .90 meeting all objectives
    4+Mastered-Y = .95 exceeding all objectives, requires links and office hours verification

    Self Graded:

    Skill Mastered
    Ratio Notes
    Laptop Verification/ Cloud workspace Y 4 0.90 verification by Linux commands notebook
    VSC Y 4 0.90 Live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug
    Show VSC GitLens Y 4 0.90 verify commits, show change, comments, reset to commit, run on old commit
    GitHub student_2025 repo Y 4 0.90 template create, push changes, verify id, review analytics
    GitHub Pages Actions Y 4 0.90 review runs and verify runtime, receive demo
    Hacks Tools & Equipment Play Y 4 0.90 Hacks
    Hacks GitHub Pages Playground Y 3 0.85 Hacks
    Hacks SASS Basics Y 3.5 0.87 Hacks
    Hacks Frontend Y 4 0.90 Hacks
    Pair Programming Y 4 0.90 tangibles that show coop work
    Total x 37.5 8.87
    Average x 3.85 0.892

    Learning Habits Table:

    Self evaluation
    Skill Mastered
    Ratio Notes
    Attendance Y 4 0.90 Never late
    Work Habits Y 4 0.90 activly ask questions and understand new things
    Behavior Y 4 0.90 positive attitude
    Timeliness Y 4 0.90 Use time in class wisely to work on assignments
    Tech Sense Y 3 0.85 Getting used to the new tech on my computer
    Tech Talk Y 4 0.90 Ask plenty of questions
    Tech Growth Y 4 0.90 Started with no previous experience but now I understand basics of different languages and how to apply them
    Advocacy Y 4 0.90 Try my best to help others with similar issues
    Comm & Collab Y 4 0.90 Work well with group mates in class and online
    Integrity Y 4 0.90 Not afraid to ask questions, open to criticism
    Oganized Y 4 0.90 Keep working area clean
    Total [] 43 9.85 []
    Agerage [] 3.909 0.895 []